Lessons from the Challenge

Lessons from the Challenge

In every problem or challenge that we face is a lesson to be learned.  The world, but our society in particular, is facing the biggest challenge in recent history.  A tiny virus is challenging our health, social structure and economy.

What is the difference between this and other viruses?

  1. It is extremely contagious.
  2. In a minority of the population, it produces an extreme reaction known as the cytokine storm, which can cause extreme damage to the human body.  It’s this extreme reaction, which is broadcast across the media that has caused fear throughout our society.
  3. It came from Wuhan, China, the site of the only level 4 virology lab in China.  This is where the US moved much of it’s virology research in 2018, after a leak at its Ft Detrick laboratory.  Scientists warned that the labs were not secure enough to contain the dangerous viruses which were being worked with and adapted to human cells.  Did it escape from the lab?  Probably.  Was it purposely released?  I have no evidence to this question.  But, it is evidence that virology/biowarfare research is dangerous.

What are the lessons we can learn?

  1. Some people, even those apparently healthy, have defects in their immune function, making them susceptible to infections.  There are real biological reasons for this disfunction and they can be corrected by correcting nutrient deficiencies, and possibly reducing the toxicity that constantly bombards our bodies.
  2. As a society, we need better science education.  It’s the unknown, the lack of knowledge that is creating fear.  Any extreme emotional state: fear, anger, or even love can cloud our rational thoughts.  Math, science and rational thought must be nurtured in children.  In 2018, the US ranked 37th in math and 18th in science out of 78 countries tested.  So, when ‘science’ is spouted by the media or government agencies, our general population doesn’t have the basic knowledge to be able to read the primary sources to see the truth.
  3. We as a country and as a world must stop biowarfare research.  Our common sense and integrity has not kept up with the technology practiced in these laboratories.  They are creating real dangers to humanity.  The next time, the virus may be worse.

What can we do?

  1. Educate ourselves.
  2. Fix our health through nutrition and reducing toxicity.
  3. Demand real healthcare, not based on profits.
  4. Demand a stop to dangerous biowarfare research.